A (Hipstamatic) Psychogeographical walk in Montmartre

La basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre

Un verre de Viognier, Domaine des Salices, J&F Lurton.

Encre de Chine shop window

A window shutter hold-back (Exquisite design for something so simple)

A window shutter hold-back

Boîte aux lettres

Boîte aux lettres

Un verre de 14cl de Beaujolais-Villages (sans sulfite, non filtré) pour 3,60€ – A cheap and healthy alternative to daily supplements

Un verre de 14cl de Beaujolais-Villages (sans sulfite, non filtre?) pour 3,60€

Mesrine: Ennemi public no. 1.

The two-film story of Mesrine, starring Vincent Cassel , is quite violent – I’ve only seen the first part, and there’s a great Montréal connection.

The address of Le Lapin Agile (22 Rue Saules, 75018 Paris. 01 46 06 85 87)

The address of Le Lapin Agile

Paris is expanding!

Where Amelie worked… (I miss her dearly)

Where Amelie worked...

A vine twisting around a metal fence-post

A vine twisting around a metal fence-post

Le Lapin Agile: Veille?es vers 21 heures sauf le lundi

Late shows around 9pm except Mondays. (I saw a show here 20 years ago.)

Le Lapin Agile: Veille?es vers 21 heures sauf le lundi

Vintage sign

Elvis here is probably some French personality – he looks familiar.

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